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Posts from the ‘fundraising’ Category

10 days in…and an epiphany on Vauxhall station platform

I’m 10 days in and can’t work out how I feel about mobile-less March. I think it’s easier just to tell you what I’ve noticed….

Firstly, sleep is an issue. I’ve never been the best at getting to bed, ever since I was a teenager and even when I was up before 5am, six days a week when I worked in radio. But I have been trying really hard to tackle my night owl tendencies. And about 4 months ago, I discovered a magical little app called Pzizz which actually succeeds in making me a sleepy head. I didn’t realise a/ how much I used it and b/ how I would miss it so.

I’m also surprisingly traumatised by the lack of Instagram in my life. Read more

“my name’s Dawn and I’m addicted to my mobile phone”

I’m one week into the programme. And yes, I have a serious problem.

One of my sisters (the clinical psychologist, funnily enough…) pointed it out more than a couple of times before all this unfolded.

“No phones at the table” often. And that’s bad. I shouldn’t need to be told.

But I feel a little bit like a child with my phone. Like, I just can’t help it. Read more