out from Reading onto the big bad wide Thames – Monday 5th August to Friday 9th August
One more lock and then boom; the River Thames opens up wider than you could have imagined a day ago.
Sep 1
One more lock and then boom; the River Thames opens up wider than you could have imagined a day ago.
We've had swan bookmarks around both our mealtimes today: earlier this evening we had a swan-pair preening before admiring their own sleepy reflections in the River Kennet (it was the Avon up until Newbury and then the switch happened). They're resting their long necks onto their snowy bodies, tucking their beaks into downy wings and dozily gazing into the hypnotic current as they drop off.
Having got all supplies (and crew-mates!), on board we set off from Caen Hill Marina about a week ago, and - many, many locks later - we are now on the River Kennet at Wootton Rivers (a pretty little place full of thatched cottages). A train just whooshed past close to the right, drowning out the sound of Ryan's guitar and the buzz of an overly inquisitive wasp.
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