
There’s a woman walks by me, here just some of the time
More often when running, other worlds locked behind
It’s then she whoops loudly, circling joy all around me
Turns my chin to the sun, hears leaves falling softly
Her who chants “you can do it” towards marathons ends
Nudges to future’s wise choices, the kindest of friends
Tells you’re loved for yourself, even here all alone
Craving nieces flung far, Family Sundays unknown
She’s the calm sun kissed sea that settles around me
Quells the gasps and the gulps of the howling wild banshee
Mutes sorrows heavy sounds as they rise to the rafters
Creeps into dark corners, relights inner hope with her candles
She creates out of nothing, rationalises, reflects,
Has faith and believes, imagines, strives yet
She knows to have courage: love will trip up and catch her,
For now friends share air, her wine, chat and laughter
I want her here longer, but she goes as she pleases
Skeleton keys open doors, locked tight, nice and easy
She returns then unbidden, whispers thoughts in my ears
She fills up the silence and dampens my fears
It’s her who I need here, the best of my worlds
Yet sings ‘save space for others so I have time to grow’
It’s her I belong to but she needs to run free
Fathers son, mother’s daughter, she’s the best I can be
I love this xx
Thanks ColCol.. It’d been forming in my head over the last couple of days 🙂 x
I love you Dawn xxx
Loves ya too! xx