yo-yo weather

The weather has been mirroring my moods and I kind of like it.
It’s doing that spring ‘thang’ of doing what the hell it likes: one minute the sky is brilliant and blue in a way that it suggests it might be like that for the next entire ten months; two minutes later and the sky turns into a dark grey sponge which looks like it will never be wrung out.
Yesterday I got two of my favourites.
Queuing for the A1(M) out of Welwyn Garden City, big fat slushy drops, the size of marbles, fall out of the sky. Sad droplets bashing unchecked into the car windscreen. Kind of careless. The sky doesn’t give a damn who sees it crying. And it makes me think about how amazing glass is. I mean it’s brilliant. You can see right through it as if it isn’t there, yet it shelters you from the wettest rain without even thinking about obstructing it’s beauty. Have you ever looked, I mean really looked, at just one of those tiny spheres of water as it smashes flat into you car windscreen? The pattern it makes is totally unique to that moment. I’m sure rain drops would never be so beautiful without glass.
Then there’s the care bear clouds. I’m struck by them as I drive down the A10. These are the best kind of clouds. On the top they’ve a slight tinge of yellow from the sun. The middle is the bit you should really pay attention to; brilliant pure white bubbles of popcorn. Look at the base and you can see each has it’s own outline. They stand out, distinct from each other. Definitely more of a democratic crowd than that communist mass you usually get taking over the sky.
I totally and utterly love these clouds. I see them and it’s like something chemical happens and I’m seven again. Childish delight echoes down twenty six years and I wish I could go and bounce on them. Care Bears have a lot to answer for.
Your words are just incredible. I could read them all day and night! Keep it up x