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searching for sunshine


What I hope for this blog and what it actually is, right now, are two different things.  Of course, that’s not to say it will always be that way.

What I hope, is that one day in a land far far away, it will give peeks of my wanderlust fuelled adventures as I trot around different corners of the world.

At the moment though, my world is a bit smaller than my dreams.  I’m a Yorkshire lass who’s landed in Hertfordshire (174 miles from home is a start at least).  I have a job that I quite like, lots of brilliant friends close by and a cottage-style terrace house in Letchworth Garden City where I live with an affectionate, handsome, ginger cat named Ron.

The idea and name for this blog materialised Sunday just gone, as I made the long familiar journey up the A1(M).  It never ceases to amaze me that the brightest spark of inspiration will light up at what seems a darkest moment.

I won’t glaze over it.  I have just split up with a very handsome, very lovely man.  We just weren’t right for each other.  I know this in my heart of hearts, but it doesn’t help.

So, on Sunday night, I’m driving up the motorway to Mum’s in my little mint imperial of a car, eyes brimming thanks to Ed Sheeran ‘though I know you’ll never love me like you used to’ and Gotye ‘now you’re just somebody that I used to know’ (cheers radio) and just before I get to the chimneys at Ferrybridge there is the most beautiful sunset.  And I can’t help but admire it.


Life carries on.  It’s just as beautiful as it always was, and no different from when things were peachy and new and rose tinted.  Whatever your tribulations, there are still beautiful and inspiring things happening around you every minute of every day, and you can be part of them if you choose to be.

So, my starting this blog now is me choosing to be part of that.  I might not have the money or the means right now to wander off around the world.  But whatever I happen to be doing and wherever I happen to be in this moment, I can still choose to explore and discover and see things with fresh eyes.  And I’m sure, if I look carefully enough, every day will have a little nugget of sunshine.

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