out from Reading onto the big bad wide Thames – Monday 5th August to Friday 9th August
One more lock and then boom; the River Thames opens up wider than you could have imagined a day ago.
Sep 1
One more lock and then boom; the River Thames opens up wider than you could have imagined a day ago.
Having got all supplies (and crew-mates!), on board we set off from Caen Hill Marina about a week ago, and - many, many locks later - we are now on the River Kennet at Wootton Rivers (a pretty little place full of thatched cottages). A train just whooshed past close to the right, drowning out the sound of Ryan's guitar and the buzz of an overly inquisitive wasp.
I used to have dreams about running. When I was still a child and before it became a thing that I did. Lucid dreams. Not that I knew that was the name for them, back then. They came from the same place as the flying ones (something that hasn’t transpired in my real life – yet. Sadly.)
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